
<img src="http://www.co.mbine.org/events/HARMONY_2014/system/files/harmony2014_1.jpg" width="240"/>

Dates: April 22-25, 2014
Location: Manchester, UK
Hosted by: <a href="http://www.mib.ac.uk/">Manchester Institute of Biotechnology</a> (MIB)

In 2010, the systems biology standards communities inaugurated a new, broader series of meetings to replace, among other events, the individual SBML and SBGN workshops and BioPAX meetings. <p>HARMONY is a hackathon-type meeting, with a focus on development of the standards, interoperability and infrastructure. There are generally not many general discussions or oral presentations during HARMONY; instead, the time is devoted to allowing hands-on hacking and interaction between people focused on practical development of software and standards. The HARMONY 2014 meeting will be hosted by the <a href="http://www.mib.ac.uk"/>Manchester Institute of Biotechnology</a> at the <a href="http://www.manchester.ac.uk">University of Manchester</a>, Manchester, UK. </td> </tr> </table> </html> </div>





Funding Acknowledgements

Support for HARMONY 2014 is provided by the following organisations:




HARMONY 2014 is organised by Pedro Mendes, Kieran Smallbone and Neil Swainston.

Please feel free to contact any of us with questions relating to the meeting.


The Days Hotel, Manchester, which is next door to the MIB, is the recommended hotel for Harmony attendees.

Travel Information

Manchester has direct flights to most major European cities, and also to JFK, Newark, Philadelphia, Orlando, Chicago, Las Vegas, Washington Dulles and Toronto in North America, and Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Singapore in Asia.

Alternatively, yet more direct flights are available to London, which is ~2hrs from Manchester by train.


<html> <iframe width="680" height="300" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="https://www.google.com/maps/ms?msa=0&msid=200853260059318155830.0004e8646eba6cbf6be18&ie=UTF8&t=m&ll=53.475481,-2.245846&spn=0.03065,0.051498&z=13&output=embed"></iframe> </html>

View Harmony 2014 in a larger map.


A provisional agenda is given below. (Obviously, please navigate to the specific dates of the meeting). A separate page presents links to videos and slides, where available, of presentations.

An ongoing group chat will be available at this Google Doc


A current list of Attendees is available. (Correct as of 21 April 2014).